Participating Nonprofits and Schools
Over 100,000 non-profits and schools are participating in Goodsearch, making a big difference for various organizations such as schools, charities, hospitals, volunteer services, political and religious organizations, and more.
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104324 active causes
Name | City | State |
Happy Hooves Healing Hearts Animal Sanctuary and Rescue | Austin | TX |
Help me get to college | Edinburg | TX |
The Echelon Academy | Burtonsville | MD |
#LoveForAll | Orlando | FL |
#TeamBentley | Eclectic | AL |
+Works | Houston | TX |
.America SCORES | New York | NY |
.American Littoral Society - National Headquarters | Highlands | NJ |
.American Parkinson Disease Association - APDA | Staten Island | NY |
.Arthritis Foundation - National Headquarters | Atlanta | GA |
.Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) - National Headquarters | Landover | MD |
.Autism Society of America - National Headquarters | Bethesda | MD |